Sunday 13 November 2011




The ERP System is a production planning and inventory control system used to manage daily manufacturing processes.  This system is provides four main packages as listed below:-
§ Engineering
§ Production Planning & Control
§ Purchasing
§ Warehouse

The four packages are targeted to assists users in the respective departments to discharge their daily duties. 
Besides the four main packages, the ERP System also provides other ancillary packages. The packages are:
§ Customer Management
§ Supplier Management
§ System Set-up
§ Administration and Security

   Constraints and boundaries

  One of the major problems with any ERP systems is the integrity of the data. Any errors in the data pertaining to stock and inventory will yield in the bill of materials or the master production schedule output to be invalid. This also applies vice versa.


ERP : Enterprise Resources Planning

1. Puchasing
You need to convert requisitions from sales, factory or other departments into purchase orders on your suppliers, monitor deliveries, inspect and record goods receipts and alert beneficiaries informed of the status of your purchase orders.

2. Warehouse
You want to keep track of your inventory by unit as well as by cost. You are keen to monitor your supply commitments and take action to meet those commitments.

3. Production Planing Control
You need to create Master Production Schedules based pre-defined Production Periods, generate Materials Utilization Requirements, Daily Instruction Schedules and Picking List for issue to shop floor.

4. Engineering
You need to maintain the component structure of your assembled products. You may also group your products into generic sub-assemblies, which in turn may be combined into finished products. You may also want to maintain the variations caused by options selected by your customers.

5. Production
production  is a set of sequential operations established in a factory whereby materials are put through a refining process to produce an end-product that is suitable for onward consumption; or components are assembled to make a finished article

Malaysia 4 - Kemboja 1.....

.Permainan agak goyah di separuh masa kedua tetapi kita kena yakin sebab sememangnya Kemboja bukan lawan Malaysia...Faktor kecederaan pun harus diambil kira...Kemungkinan perlawanan menentang Kemboja pasukan tidak bermain dgn sepenuh hati...Perlawanan yang dinanti iaitu menentang pasukan Indonesia....mantapkan lagi pertahanan dan tajamkan lagi bahagian serangan...